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The last song

19.11.2013. god.
PI "Centre for Culture and Education " Laktaši invites you to see performance about Serbian poet and diplomat Jovan Ducic - " The last song ."

The play will be performed on Friday, 22 November 2013th beginning at 19 am in the great hall of the institution " Centre for Culture and Education " Laktaši .

Piece is written by Anita Panic, author and television documentary , and adaptation and directed by Marko Misirača .

The story is situated between the 1941st and 1943rd year , before the end of  poets life . Dučić was sent to America in a special mission by the decayed homeland , the Kingdom of Yugoslavia . Place actions is the salon in villa of his cousin Michael, moved in on the shore of Michigan lakes, in Geri , Indiana State .

The main role is  Nebojsa Kundacina, actor of  the National Theatre in Belgrade. Ducics great love Jovanka Jovanovic Todorovic plays an actress of the National Theatre of the Republic of Srpska Maja Kolundžija Zoro , and his young cousin plays Nikitović Milan , one of the popular film characters in famous movies and TV series '' Montevideo '' .

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