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Paving of several streets and roads in the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad is finished

21.02.2017. god.

 The construction season is reaching its end and the paving of several streets and roads in the territory of Mrkonjic Grad has been finished recently. There has been paved 230 meters of the road in the village of Podorugla, 200 meters of the road has been paved at the place called Zboriste and finally 120 meters has been paved in the village called Podbrdo.

The total cost amounts 92.000 BAM and the funds are provided by the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad and its citizens. The contractor was the company called ''Mrkonjic putevi''.

The Department of City Development and Asset Management Department emphasize that they are satisfied by the past construction season and that there are only a few smaller projects left to be implemented by the end of the month.

  • Izvor
  • vijesti.RS
  • / www.Mrkonjic-Grad.RS

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