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Promotion " Meet Srpska , meet you"

18.11.2013. год.
Student Organization for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade , with the support of representatives of the Republic of Serbian in Serbia , the Faculty of Law , University of Belgrade , on 19 and 20th November 2013th year ,organizes a presentation / promotion called " Meet Srpska , meet you" .

The goal of this event is to promote the economy, culture , economy and tourism of the Republic of Srpska , as well as to introduce students of this faculty with political, administrative , constitutional and legal regulation of the Republic of Srpska .
During the two-day program  will be organized lectures, in the framework of which will be paid to participants and Mr. Milorad Dodik , President of the Republic of Srpska , Bishop Athanasius Rakita , Mr. Aca Markovic , the president of Serbian Electric Power Board , professors from the Faculty of Law , University of Belgrade

Tourist Organization of Republic of Srpska will on this occasion 19th and 20th November , in the lobby of the Faculty of Law , in cooperation with the Office of RS in Serbia , organize promotion of tourism Serbian , where it will be predtstavljene our most attractive destinations , and being held and tasting and promotion of wines from this area.

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