Battered Kosovo Serb recovering
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Battered Kosovo Serb recovering

Serbianna   | 27.01.2011.

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Kosovo Serb Branislav Milovanovic who was attacked and brutally beaten by a mob of Muslim Albanians is out of danger, say the hospital.

Milovanovic was attacked by a mob of Albanian men as he was trying to return back to his home from which he was ethnically cleansed by Albanians.

Kosovo Serb Branislav Milovanovic in the hospital

Milovanovic was attacked in front of his house in the Village Opraske located near Osojane, Metohia.

The Albanian mob inflicted head injuries, concussion, fractures of the ribs and numerous bruises on Milovanovic’s body.

“As soon as I was on the street, they cut me off and whacked me,” said Milovanovic.

With a cracked skull and broken ribs, Milovanovic was still able to walk 2 kilometers to a nearby village of Kos where the villagers took him to the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica.

Milovanovic said that they were beating him “to kill”.

Returnee coordinator Vesna Milikovic says that the attack on Milovanovic has made the other nine returees in fear for their life. Milikovic says that returnees in nearby villages are also in fear of the organized Albanian mob.

“Since the NEw Year day, attacks on Serbs are more frequent and attacks on their property and just in Opraske, in which 9 returnee families live, this is a fourth incident. One week ago a Serb house was lit on fire owned by Mile Vuletic. The house burned to the ground but, luckily, when the house was lit up nobody was inside. This Sunday, two Serbian homes were robbed,” says Milikovic.

Serbia’s Minister for Kosovo-Metohia Goran Bogdanovic said that the Ministry demands that EULEX locates and arrests persons who attacked Branislav Milovanovic, a Serbian returnee from the village of Opraske in Metohia.

Since 1999 when the Albania separatists violently took power in Kosovo, Serbs have been routinely attacked and killed and conviction of attackers is very seldom.

Council of Europe has recently named the Kosovo Albanian separatist leader Hashim Thaci as the chief of a mafia-type organization whose reach stretches out of Kosovo into Erurope and includes control of organ trade, sex slavery, weapons and heroin.

The Minister pointed out that the conspicuous silence of the Kosovo police is an incentive to Albanian extremists, as well as proof that Kosovo institutions are trying to prevent the return of banished Serbs to the province.

Therefore, the Ministry for Kosovo-Metohia is demanding that international forces in the province immediately find a way to protect Serbs from such attacks and create conditions for their survival and return, Bogdanovic underlined.

Bogdanovic stressed that whoever is responsible for the state of affairs in the province must face reality, especially those who keep imposing the story about lawlessness and chaos in Serbian communities with the aim to scare the returnees with these attacks.

January 25, 2011
Radio Serbia

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