America Movil proposes candidate for Telekom Austria board
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America Movil proposes candidate for Telekom Austria board   | 15.10.2012.

VIENNA (Reuters) - Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim's America Movil has proposed expanding Telekom Austria's supervisory board by a seat and filling it with one of its top executives, Oscar Von Hauske Solis, the Austrian telecoms group said on Monday.
America Movil proposes candidate for Telekom Austria board

The move comes ahead of an extraordinary shareholders' meeting on October 23. The move would boost the number of board members elected by shareholders to 10. Employees get to name five other board members.

Slim last month closed the deal to buy investor Ronny Pecik's 16 percent stake in Telekom Austria.

(Reporting by Michael Shields; Editing by Helen Massy-Beresford)

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