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‘Filthy, shameless robbery’: Thousands protest Mexico’s new tax regime‘Filthy, shameless robbery’: Thousands protest Mexico’s new tax regime

[2013-09-09 18:19:22]
A reported 40,000 protestors rallied in Mexico City to reject President Enrique Pena Nieto’s new tax plan, which increases the bur

Russia calls on G20 members to ban corrupt officials from international travelRussia calls on G20 members to ban corrupt officials from international travel

[2013-09-08 15:12:33]
Russia has asked G20 members to create a special body authorized to block officials' rights to international travel if they are suspecte...

US snub of Syria talks ‘proof of weakness in position’ – Duma speakerUS snub of Syria talks ‘proof of weakness in position’ – Duma speaker

[2013-09-08 15:10:41]
State Duma speaker Sergey Naryshkin has told the press that no Russian parliamentary delegation is going to the United States to discuss...

EU to US: Assad guilty of Syria gas attack, but no military backing before UN reportEU to US: Assad guilty of Syria gas attack, but no military backing before UN report

[2013-09-08 14:47:50]
The European Union says the Syrian government was the likely perpetrator of the Damascus chemical attack on August 21, but that it...

UK delivered Syria chemicals needed for sarin production ‘for 6 years’UK delivered Syria chemicals needed for sarin production ‘for 6 years’

[2013-09-08 14:37:59]
British companies sold sodium fluoride, a key ingredient in the manufacture of the deadly nerve gas sarin, to a Syrian firm from...

Jihaddists re-take historic Syrian Christian village as stand-off continuesJihaddists re-take historic Syrian Christian village as stand-off continues

[2013-09-08 14:36:28]
Islamist Nusra Front forces have re-captured Syria’s oldest Christian community from government troops in a night of fighting. The

‘We say no war’: Protesters across the world rally against military strike on Syria‘We say no war’: Protesters across the world rally against military strike on Syria

[2013-09-08 14:33:31]
Protests were held across the globe on Saturday to speak out against a US-led strike on Syria, as world leaders ask Washington...

‘Sept 7 Op’: Brazil protests turn violent as police fire tear gas, rubber bullets‘Sept 7 Op’: Brazil protests turn violent as police fire tear gas, rubber bullets

[2013-09-08 14:09:18]
Brazil's Independence Day celebrations turned violent after protesters disrupted a military parade in Rio de Janeiro. Police fired tear

IMF head: High unemployment and poor investment – key economic burdensIMF head: High unemployment and poor investment – key economic burdens

[2013-09-08 10:13:32]
Creating jobs and providing long – term investment are the key common objectives that rallied G20 leaders at the St. Petersburg su...

G20 Syria divide: World’s largest nations speak out against US-led strikeG20 Syria divide: World’s largest nations speak out against US-led strike

[2013-09-07 16:55:15]
As leaders of countries making up half of the world’s population firmly opposed military action against Syria without a UN mandate

Internet giants voice concern over NSA, GCHQ circumvention of encryptionInternet giants voice concern over NSA, GCHQ circumvention of encryption

[2013-09-07 16:53:29]
Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google expressed unease Friday about the National Security Agency’s ability to bypass online security system

Hundreds evacuated after floods break dam in Russia's flood-hit Far EastHundreds evacuated after floods break dam in Russia's flood-hit Far East

[2013-09-07 16:50:16]
Nearly 300 houses with over 900 inhabitants have been inundated in a suburb of the Far Eastern Russian city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur after...

The big three: Sweden reacts to report of intel cooperation with NSA, GCHQThe big three: Sweden reacts to report of intel cooperation with NSA, GCHQ

[2013-09-07 16:49:14]
Sweden’s leaders came forward to express deep concern after a report alleged that the country’s spy agency has close ties wi

Putin: Syria chemical attack is ‘rebels' provocation in hope of intervention’Putin: Syria chemical attack is ‘rebels' provocation in hope of intervention’

[2013-09-06 21:36:49]
The alleged chemical weapons use in Syria is a provocation carried out by the rebels to attract a foreign-led strike, Russian President...

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