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No kidding: Finnish police confiscate 9 year old’s Winnie the Pooh laptop for illegal downloadingNo kidding: Finnish police confiscate 9 year old’s Winnie the Pooh laptop for illegal downloading

[2012-11-28 12:54:28]
The latest threat to intellectual property is, apparently, a nine year old girl. In an early-morning raid Finnish police confiscated her laptop...

French students sue Twitter, call to name and shame anti-Semitic usersFrench students sue Twitter, call to name and shame anti-Semitic users

[2012-11-28 12:48:28]
A French Jewish student union has opened a lawsuit against Twitter that could force the site to hand over the names of...

Euro zone central banks may roll over their Greek bonds: documentEuro zone central banks may roll over their Greek bonds: document

[2012-11-28 12:32:00]
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Euro zone central banks may decide to roll over their holdings of Greek debt to reduce by 5.6 billion...

Exclusive: Calpers triggers legal fight with bankrupt San Bernardino over pension debtExclusive: Calpers triggers legal fight with bankrupt San Bernardino over pension debt

[2012-11-28 12:00:00]
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - America's biggest public pension moved aggressively against the bankrupt city of San Bernardino, California, on Tuesday night over...

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