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Censored cupcakes: US school removed toy soldiers from kid’s birthday cake over violence fearsCensored cupcakes: US school removed toy soldiers from kid’s birthday cake over violence fears

[2013-03-10 16:06:37]
Toy soldiers featured on birthday cupcakes of a nine-year-old US boy have spoiled the appetite of school officials at a Michigan elementary...

North Korea demands apology from South Korea for ‘open declaration of war’North Korea demands apology from South Korea for ‘open declaration of war’

[2013-03-10 15:55:40]
Recent statements by Seoul have angered Pyongyang to the extent that the latter considers them a cry for war. This follows North...

UK authorities turn ‘blind eye’ to ‘shocking underworld’ of human traffickingUK authorities turn ‘blind eye’ to ‘shocking underworld’ of human trafficking

[2013-03-10 15:51:48]
The UK’s Centre for Social Justice has called on the government for a “radical overhaul” of measures to combat slavery, claiming the...

Russian satellite hit by ‘space junk’ from destroyed Chinese spacecraftRussian satellite hit by ‘space junk’ from destroyed Chinese spacecraft

[2013-03-09 21:00:05]
A small Russian spacecraft in orbit appears to have been struck by remnants of a destroyed Chinese satellite. It’s just the second...

Drone semantics: Obama’s definition of ‘combat’ may be unlike ordinary humans’Drone semantics: Obama’s definition of ‘combat’ may be unlike ordinary humans’

[2013-03-08 13:45:10]
President Obama has no power to order drone killings of non-combatants on American soil, the Justice Department admitted. But one may be...

‘NATO support of Syrian rebels makes it an accessory to murder, kidnapping’‘NATO support of Syrian rebels makes it an accessory to murder, kidnapping’

[2013-03-08 13:43:15]
Syrian rebels are refusing to release a group of UN peacekeepers in Golan Heights until government forces withdraw from the area. As...

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