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‘Manning testimony recording could be a direct leak from the government’‘Manning testimony recording could be a direct leak from the government’

[2013-03-14 13:39:43]
The quality of the audio recording of Bradley Manning’s plea speech suggests that the tape could have been leaked by the government...

‘If you were a man, we’d kill you’: Captive journalist tells RT how she escaped Syrian rebels‘If you were a man, we’d kill you’: Captive journalist tells RT how she escaped Syrian rebels

[2013-03-13 22:36:47]
‘I couldn’t bear it any longer’, recalls Anhar Kochneva. The Ukrainian journalist who escaped Syrian rebels five months after she was kidnapped...

Pentagon creates 13 offensive cyber teams for worldwide attacksPentagon creates 13 offensive cyber teams for worldwide attacks

[2013-03-13 22:33:07]
The head of the United States Cyber Command says the US is developing 40 new teams of cyber-agents that will both protect...

China at the crossroads: New leader faces fresh economic and military challengesChina at the crossroads: New leader faces fresh economic and military challenges

[2013-03-13 22:30:41]
Xi Jinping, China’s new leader, will take over from incumbent Hu Jintao on Thursday. The once-in-a-decade power transition in a country seen...

Egyptian ‘missionary’ tortured to death in Libya – human rights lawyerEgyptian ‘missionary’ tortured to death in Libya – human rights lawyer

[2013-03-12 16:37:42]
An Egyptian Christian suspected of trying to convert Muslims in Libya was tortured to death while in police custody, an Egyptian human...

Over 100 Guantanamo inmates ‘on hunger strike,’ possibly in grave conditionOver 100 Guantanamo inmates ‘on hunger strike,’ possibly in grave condition

[2013-03-12 15:58:45]
Lawyers for Guantanamo Bay inmates have claimed “all but a few men” are on a hunger strike over their Qurans being taken...

Hackers release financial records of first lady, vice president, att’y general, othersHackers release financial records of first lady, vice president, att’y general, others

[2013-03-12 15:53:46]
Hackers are continuing to leak the alleged personal finance records of US politicians and celebrities. The list of those supposedly exposed now...

Facebook knows your secrets: ‘Likes’ reveal users’ personalityFacebook knows your secrets: ‘Likes’ reveal users’ personality

[2013-03-12 15:52:03]
Facebook’s ‘like’ button can reveal more than you realize, a new study has showed. By liking posts and links, you may be...

At odds on Iran: US doesn’t share Israeli zeal for military solutionAt odds on Iran: US doesn’t share Israeli zeal for military solution

[2013-03-11 19:35:23]
By Adrian Salbuchi When Israel invaded Southern Lebanon in 2006 they were ignominiously expelled

The Kim Dotcom case proves American lynch-mob mentality is spreading like an extra-legal fungus across the planet. It's high time governments re-read the Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and reacquainted themselves with the fundamental principles. The Kim Dotcom case proves American lynch-mob mentality is spreading like an extra-legal fungus across the planet. It's high time governments re-read the Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and reacquainted themselves with the fundamental principles.

[2013-03-11 19:31:52]
The Kim Dotcom case proves American lynch-mob mentality is spreading like an extra-legal fungus across the planet. It's high time governments re-read...

Apparent insider attack kills 2 US troops, 3 Afghan police - officialsApparent insider attack kills 2 US troops, 3 Afghan police - officials

[2013-03-11 19:22:24]
At least two US troops and three Afghan policemen have been killed in what seemed to be insider attack in eastern Afghanistan,...

Superbug scenario: Antibiotic resistance will be ‘catastrophe’ on par with terrorismSuperbug scenario: Antibiotic resistance will be ‘catastrophe’ on par with terrorism

[2013-03-11 19:20:21]
Antibiotic-resistant superbugs will push medical science back to the 19th century, with people dying of minor infections says Britain’s top health official. ...

Porcine pollution: Thousands of dead pigs dumped in Chinese riverPorcine pollution: Thousands of dead pigs dumped in Chinese river

[2013-03-11 19:18:20]
Nearly 3,000 dead pigs have been fished out of the Huangpu River in China – a source of drinking water for millions...

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