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No need for intifada, Palestine can achieve goals peacefully – Abbas to RTNo need for intifada, Palestine can achieve goals peacefully – Abbas to RT

[2013-03-16 17:00:53]
Palestine has won UN recognition as being a sovereign state, and will now be referred to as the “State of Palestine” on...

Drone strikes in Syria? CIA ‘boosting’ intelligence force to ‘size up’ Syrian extremistsDrone strikes in Syria? CIA ‘boosting’ intelligence force to ‘size up’ Syrian extremists

[2013-03-16 16:59:16]
The CIA may be preparing for lethal drone strikes in Syria, as it is extending its intelligence-gathering on Islamic radicals in the...

Swiss tourist brutally gang-raped in front of husband in central IndiaSwiss tourist brutally gang-raped in front of husband in central India

[2013-03-16 16:28:01]
A Swiss tourist’s Indian vacation took a horrific turn Friday night after she was brutally gang-raped by a group of eight people...

France, UK may arm Syrian rebels 'without EU support,' despite embargoFrance, UK may arm Syrian rebels 'without EU support,' despite embargo

[2013-03-14 21:23:31]
Paris and London will call for an early unscheduled EU meeting on the Syrian arms embargo in order to lift the ban....

Man takes five hostages at college with a toy gun, demands pizza and gets special forces rescue opMan takes five hostages at college with a toy gun, demands pizza and gets special forces rescue op

[2013-03-14 18:20:37]
A hostage drama in southern Russia has ended peacefully, with the four people held captive released safe and uninjured, and a gunman...

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