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Opposition party expels two senior members for siding with street protestersOpposition party expels two senior members for siding with street protesters

[2013-03-17 20:06:29]
The Fair Russia party has expelled two of its leading members - the father and son Gudkovs - for taking part in...

Anti-drone devices for sale: Military contractor claims to have counter-UAV technologyAnti-drone devices for sale: Military contractor claims to have counter-UAV technology

[2013-03-17 19:20:52]
Domestic drones will soon be soaring through the sky left and right, but a company in Oregon with ties to the US...

Gitmo Hunger Strike: ‘Prisoners put their lives on the line in a medieval torture chamber’Gitmo Hunger Strike: ‘Prisoners put their lives on the line in a medieval torture chamber’

[2013-03-17 18:07:48]
An inmate hunger strike at Guantanamo prison has entered its 40th day, with more than 100 reportedly taking part. Experts warn of...

Nowhere to run or hide from America’s 'financial Nazism'Nowhere to run or hide from America’s 'financial Nazism'

[2013-03-16 18:09:16]
By Max Keiser ‘Nazi Germany’ is the phrase that immediately comes to mind from the re

Scientists predict thousands will die from earthquake expected anytime on US West CoastScientists predict thousands will die from earthquake expected anytime on US West Coast

[2013-03-16 17:32:44]
Researchers say a massive earthquake and tsunami could soon strike the Northwest US coast, killing more than 10,000 people, flooding entire towns,...

Hundreds commemorate Waffen SS divisions in Latvia, anti-fascists outragedHundreds commemorate Waffen SS divisions in Latvia, anti-fascists outraged

[2013-03-16 17:26:18]
Veterans of the Latvian Waffen SS and their supporters marched in the Latvian capital Riga to honor their comrades killed fighting for...

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