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Obama: If Syrian regime used chemical weapons, ‘red line’ crossedObama: If Syrian regime used chemical weapons, ‘red line’ crossed

[2013-03-21 09:48:46]
President Barack Obama said that the US is looking into reports that chemical weapons were used in Aleppo on Tuesday, killing two...

US parents not to be charged with death of adopted Russian childUS parents not to be charged with death of adopted Russian child

[2013-03-19 10:45:36]
US prosecutors said on Monday that no charges will be made against the Texan couple in the case of the death of...

Russia attacks US missile defense plans, says no concessions possibleRussia attacks US missile defense plans, says no concessions possible

[2013-03-18 21:54:08]
The latest American steps to wrap up the missile defense project in Poland and to deploy additional interceptors in Alaska will not...

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