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‘Merkel playing hardball, going to drive Cyprus issue into ground’‘Merkel playing hardball, going to drive Cyprus issue into ground’

[2013-03-23 10:57:42]
The timing of the Cyprus crisis is of utmost importance, as in fact, it means a lot for the government of Angela...

Rosneft to finalize TNK-BP deal, becoming world’s largest oil producerRosneft to finalize TNK-BP deal, becoming world’s largest oil producer

[2013-03-21 10:28:57]
Russian oil giant Rosneft is to finalize the purchase of TNK-BP Thursday to become the biggest oil company in the world. The...

Use the force: Rogozin warns military remains main dispute resolution toolUse the force: Rogozin warns military remains main dispute resolution tool

[2013-03-21 10:24:01]
The threat of military force is still the main factor when solving political or economic conflicts in the modern world, the head...

Supreme Court approves $222k fine for 24 illegally downloaded songsSupreme Court approves $222k fine for 24 illegally downloaded songs

[2013-03-21 10:04:28]
US Supreme Court judges have turned down an appeal from a woman who was ordered to pay $222,000 for illegally downloading 24...

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