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Arab League decision to recognize Syrian rebels denies peaceful solution – LavrovArab League decision to recognize Syrian rebels denies peaceful solution – Lavrov

[2013-03-28 18:37:10]
The Arab League’s recognition of the Syrian opposition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people means that the League is refusing...

‘More dangerous than SARS’: Scientists warn of deadly new coronavirus‘More dangerous than SARS’: Scientists warn of deadly new coronavirus

[2013-03-28 18:35:58]
Chinese scientists have said that a new coronavirus, which has already killed 11, appears to be deadlier than SARS. The new virus,...

Gitmo inmates claim being denied drinking water as White House breaks silenceGitmo inmates claim being denied drinking water as White House breaks silence

[2013-03-28 17:38:22]
Guantanamo inmates complain of not being given drinking water and having to cope with extremely low temperatures, their lawyers have said. As...

'White Student Union' announces night patrols on Maryland college campus'White Student Union' announces night patrols on Maryland college campus

[2013-03-26 10:08:11]
In a move likely to spark outcry, a student group calling itself the White Student Union at Maryland’s Towson University intends to...

NATO research team calls Stuxnet attack on Iran an 'act of force'NATO research team calls Stuxnet attack on Iran an 'act of force'

[2013-03-26 10:06:52]
A group of 20 law and technology experts has unanimously agreed that the Stuxnet worm used against Iran in 2009-2010 was a...

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