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Land Day in Israel: Burning tires, stones and tear gas as Palestinians clash with IDFLand Day in Israel: Burning tires, stones and tear gas as Palestinians clash with IDF

[2013-03-30 19:47:37]
A Land Day anniversary march in Israel has been dispersed by the IDF, who fired tear gas grenades after Palestinian protesters started...

‘Obama must be thinking he has better things to do than tend to 166 Arabs stuck in Gitmo’‘Obama must be thinking he has better things to do than tend to 166 Arabs stuck in Gitmo’

[2013-03-30 19:45:51]
Obama, the one person with the authority to shut down Guantanamo, lacks the political will to put the issue at the top...

Bank of Cyprus high-end clients to get one third of deposits in 'worthless' sharesBank of Cyprus high-end clients to get one third of deposits in 'worthless' shares

[2013-03-30 19:42:58]
Large depositors in the Bank of Cyprus will get back 37.5 percent of their money in shares instead of cash, the Bank...

Bahraini doctor’s revelation: ‘Confessions extracted under severe torture’Bahraini doctor’s revelation: ‘Confessions extracted under severe torture’

[2013-03-30 19:08:17]
Fatima Haji, one of a group of Bahraini doctors who faced five years in jail but was acquitted in June 2012, told...

EU to face big problems in Italy and Spain after Cyprus bailoutEU to face big problems in Italy and Spain after Cyprus bailout

[2013-03-28 19:25:03]
The eurozone could face a new heap of financial problems in Italy and Spain, as small businesses fail to repay bank loans....

Russian court acquits politician of humiliating former child inmates of Nazi concentration campsRussian court acquits politician of humiliating former child inmates of Nazi concentration camps

[2013-03-28 19:17:57]
A court in western Russia’s Smolensk Region has canceled a ruling ordering a member of the local legislature to pay compensation to...

Red Cross: Gitmo ‘tensions and anguish’ related to the lack of ‘clear legal framework’Red Cross: Gitmo ‘tensions and anguish’ related to the lack of ‘clear legal framework’

[2013-03-28 19:11:36]
Guantanamo inmates are experiencing an “increasing level of desperation,” Simon Schorno from the International Committee of the Red Cross told RT, blaming...

Koch Block: Alleged Anonymous hacker charged with shutting down billionaires’ websiteKoch Block: Alleged Anonymous hacker charged with shutting down billionaires’ website

[2013-03-28 18:50:18]
A Wisconsin man has been indicted over allegations that he helped the hacktivist group Anonymous briefly shut down two websites in 2011...

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