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Financial Terrorism: Wall Street’s Ratings Agencies Degrade Nine European CountriesFinancial Terrorism: Wall Street’s Ratings Agencies Degrade Nine European Countries

[2012-02-14 03:54:06]
(Global Research, January 14, 2012) We live in an increasingly degraded country. Our politics are degraded and a laughing stock to...

Egypt's OTMT to pay dividend from Mobinil proceedsEgypt's OTMT to pay dividend from Mobinil proceeds

[2012-02-13 21:00:00]
* Says looking at potential management contracts in Mideast

UPDATE 1-Google wins EU okay for Motorola buyUPDATE 1-Google wins EU okay for Motorola buy

[2012-02-13 21:00:00]
* EU vigilant for possible patent abuse by Google, others

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