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Leaked report: Nearly half of US drone strikes in Pakistan not against al-QaedaLeaked report: Nearly half of US drone strikes in Pakistan not against al-Qaeda

[2013-04-11 12:17:08]
A trove of leaked classified reports has confirmed what many had suspected – US drone kills in Pakistan are not the precision...

Finland’s most wanted? Putin’s biker connections put him on secret blacklistFinland’s most wanted? Putin’s biker connections put him on secret blacklist

[2013-04-11 12:13:10]
Russian President Vladimir Putin has been placed on a list of wanted criminals in Finland for his ties to a motorcycle club....

Moscow stadium Luzhniki World Cup refit to cost up to $800 million - officialMoscow stadium Luzhniki World Cup refit to cost up to $800 million - official

[2013-04-09 22:15:17]
Tough FIFA rules mean it could cost nearly $800 million to make Moscow’s vast Luzhniki arena fit to host the 2018 World...

Radioactive water leaking at Tepco's Fukushima nuke plant – regulatorRadioactive water leaking at Tepco's Fukushima nuke plant – regulator

[2013-04-09 21:58:41]
Another leak has been discovered at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, only a few days after two similar incidents and a major...

Peace, but no reconciliation: Decade after Iraq, US vets struggling to justify warPeace, but no reconciliation: Decade after Iraq, US vets struggling to justify war

[2013-04-09 21:55:57]
Iraq is marking 10 years since the ousting of Saddam Hussein, in an overthrow triggered by a US invasion. In the last...

Adieu, Bordeaux? Frances’ wine-producing areas may dry up by 2050 – studyAdieu, Bordeaux? Frances’ wine-producing areas may dry up by 2050 – study

[2013-04-09 21:54:57]
In less in 40 years elegant French and Italian wines might become a memory as major wine-producing regions like Bordeaux and Tuscany...

Pyongyang warns foreigners to evacuate S. Korea, threatens ‘thermonuclear’ warPyongyang warns foreigners to evacuate S. Korea, threatens ‘thermonuclear’ war

[2013-04-09 21:50:16]
Pyongyang has issued a warning urging foreign nationals to evacuate South Korea, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported. The statement was...

6.3 magnitude quake strikes near Iran's Bushehr nuke facility, 32 deaths reported6.3 magnitude quake strikes near Iran's Bushehr nuke facility, 32 deaths reported

[2013-04-09 21:47:56]
Thirty-two people have been killed after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck near Bushehr in Iran. Around 850 people have been injured, according...

Iraq 10 years on: ‘Roadblocks, checkpoints, blasts and constant danger’Iraq 10 years on: ‘Roadblocks, checkpoints, blasts and constant danger’

[2013-04-09 21:44:53]
Stability is something people are still waiting for in Iraq – ten years after the US-led invasion. The promised stability is nowhere...

Homeland Security top officer to work on UN’s new global Internet rulesHomeland Security top officer to work on UN’s new global Internet rules

[2013-04-09 20:01:50]
The second-in-command at the US Department of Homeland Security is stepping down as deputy secretary in order to sign-on for a role...

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