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Cyprus Finance Ministry amends capital controls decree, restricts transfers againCyprus Finance Ministry amends capital controls decree, restricts transfers again

[2013-04-14 08:22:14]
The Finance Ministry of Cyprus made its seventh urgent amendment to a decree on capital controls, mandating that only payments of up...

‘Gitmo shut down not Red Cross priority, clarity for prisoners more important’‘Gitmo shut down not Red Cross priority, clarity for prisoners more important’

[2013-04-13 22:19:55]
The US Congress is the main obstacle to closing the Guantanamo Bay prison, Simon Schorno, Red Cross spokesman told RT, adding that...

FBI requests $41 million to battle ‘wiretap unfriendly’ online correspondenceFBI requests $41 million to battle ‘wiretap unfriendly’ online correspondence

[2013-04-13 22:17:55]
In an attempt to bring law enforcement capabilities up to speed with current communication techniques, the FBI has requested an additional $41...

California governor has 20 days to fix overcrowded prisons or be put on trialCalifornia governor has 20 days to fix overcrowded prisons or be put on trial

[2013-04-13 22:13:03]
The governor of California and other leading authorities will be held in contempt of court in 20 days unless they find a...

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