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New case against Skolkovo exec, cops question opposition MP’s $750,000 lecture feesNew case against Skolkovo exec, cops question opposition MP’s $750,000 lecture fees

[2013-04-20 13:15:08]
The senior vice-president of the Russian innovation hub is suspected of major embezzlement as investigators claim he allegedly paid $750

Prosecutors suspend Leftist Front activities over online fund raisingProsecutors suspend Leftist Front activities over online fund raising

[2013-04-20 13:11:38]
Russian law enforcers have suspended the activities of Sergey Udaltsov’s group after it started collecting money online without be

‘US-British foreign policy is never about human rights, Bahrain no exception’‘US-British foreign policy is never about human rights, Bahrain no exception’

[2013-04-20 13:06:34]
British and US interest in the world, and particularly in the Middle East, is mainly over the control of resources, which is...

From freedom fighters to terrorists: Identity of Boston bombers shifts US attitudes to ChechnyaFrom freedom fighters to terrorists: Identity of Boston bombers shifts US attitudes to Chechnya

[2013-04-20 12:01:58]
The revelation that the two brothers suspected to be behind the Boston Marathon attack are ethnic Chechens has led the US establishment...

'They were set up, FBI followed them for years'- Tsarnaevs' mother to RT'They were set up, FBI followed them for years'- Tsarnaevs' mother to RT

[2013-04-20 11:50:46]
With the 24-hour manhunt for the second suspect of the Boston bombing closed, RT remembers its conversation with the parents of the...

Ammonium nitrate mixed with negligence behind Texas fertilizer plant explosion – expertsAmmonium nitrate mixed with negligence behind Texas fertilizer plant explosion – experts

[2013-04-19 13:43:41]
The massive explosion at a fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas, must have been caused by ammonium nitrate, and couldn’t have gone off...

Thatcher’s funeral ‘political stunt’ aimed at bolstering Tory partyThatcher’s funeral ‘political stunt’ aimed at bolstering Tory party

[2013-04-19 13:36:23]
The expensive funeral of former UK Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, is not a burial of an individual, but a political stunt “to...

At least 28 immigrants shot at Greece strawberry plantation after not being paid for six monthsAt least 28 immigrants shot at Greece strawberry plantation after not being paid for six months

[2013-04-19 13:24:59]
Greek police are hunting three strawberry plantation foremen, who are suspected of shooting nearly 30 workers, mostly Bangladeshi, after immigrants demanded wages...

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