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Syria's friends 'will not let it fall in the hands' of US, Israel – Hezbollah chiefSyria's friends 'will not let it fall in the hands' of US, Israel – Hezbollah chief

[2013-05-01 12:46:45]
Syrian allies in the region will prevent President Bashar Assad’s government from being toppled, the leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah

Israel in the room? Egypt quits nuke talks over ‘inefficiency’ in Middle EastIsrael in the room? Egypt quits nuke talks over ‘inefficiency’ in Middle East

[2013-05-01 12:45:22]
Egypt said it quits Non-Proliferation Treaty talks to protest the failure of the parties involved to implement a resolution aimed to fre...

Washington looks set to send Syrian rebels aid with 'direct military purpose'Washington looks set to send Syrian rebels aid with 'direct military purpose'

[2013-05-01 10:51:41]
US President Barack Obama is reportedly considering supplying weapons for Syrian forces fighting to oust President Bashar Assad and his

International investors pull out $2bn from emerging marketsInternational investors pull out $2bn from emerging markets

[2013-04-28 13:42:34]
As much as $2 billion of investment has been pulled from the emerging markets in the past week. The number is a...

Disappearing deposits: Savers withdrew $1.8 billion from Cyprus in MarchDisappearing deposits: Savers withdrew $1.8 billion from Cyprus in March

[2013-04-28 13:38:49]
Private deposits in Cypriot banks fell by 3.9 percent down to €44.6 billion in March, as Cyprus continues to ease restrictions on...

Putin: Magnitsky’s death a 'tragedy,' no malice involvedPutin: Magnitsky’s death a 'tragedy,' no malice involved

[2013-04-28 13:33:55]
President Vladimir Putin has stressed that Sergey Magnitsky’s death was not due to malicious intent.

Get rid of it or leave: Russian Parliament approves ban on foreign assets for MPs, top officialsGet rid of it or leave: Russian Parliament approves ban on foreign assets for MPs, top officials

[2013-04-28 13:32:53]
The Russian Parliament’s upper house, the Federation Council, has approved the bill that bans state officials, their spouses and u

‘West is using possibility of chemical weapons to encourage intervention in Syria’‘West is using possibility of chemical weapons to encourage intervention in Syria’

[2013-04-28 13:27:04]
The US and UK are using the possibility of chemical weapons in Syria to increase the prospect of intervention in the country,...

US Russian couple seeking answers after police 'ripped baby from their arms'US Russian couple seeking answers after police 'ripped baby from their arms'

[2013-04-28 13:15:38]
A young Russian couple living in California is struggling to understand the events of the past few weeks, which began with a...

Venezuelan committee dismisses opposition demands for vote audit as ‘impossible’Venezuelan committee dismisses opposition demands for vote audit as ‘impossible’

[2013-04-28 13:11:19]
A vote audit under the conditions put forward by Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles is “impossible,” an electora

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