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US Air Force one step closer to global strike capability as experimental aircraft exceeds Mach 5US Air Force one step closer to global strike capability as experimental aircraft exceeds Mach 5

[2013-05-04 12:55:13]
The US Air Force completed a nearly decade-long test program this week with the successful launch of an unmanned aircraft into hypersoni...

'Palestine' tagline appears on Google to Israel’s disapproval'Palestine' tagline appears on Google to Israel’s disapproval

[2013-05-04 12:17:24]
Google has changed the tagline on its Palestinian edition from ‘Palestinian territories’ to ‘Palestine,’ thereby

‘Astronomical costs’: Gitmo consumes $900,000 per prisoner annually‘Astronomical costs’: Gitmo consumes $900,000 per prisoner annually

[2013-05-04 12:10:25]
Maintenance of Guantanamo has been revealed to cost over $150 million each year, with immediate estimates citing it one of the most...

Tsarnaev's widow under new scrutiny as investigators find radical Islamist material on her computerTsarnaev's widow under new scrutiny as investigators find radical Islamist material on her computer

[2013-05-04 11:01:40]
Investigators are ramping up their focus on Katherine Russell, the widow of Boston Marathon bombing suspect and alleged planner Tamerlan

How bout’ them apples? iPhone maker sets record $17 billion bond dealHow bout’ them apples? iPhone maker sets record $17 billion bond deal

[2013-05-02 15:22:34]
Apple sold $17 billion in bonds in a record deal set to prove the tech-giant is willing to reward longtime investors, as...

Russian Labor Day: Rallies, ridicule and revelry as tens of thousands take partRussian Labor Day: Rallies, ridicule and revelry as tens of thousands take part

[2013-05-02 15:16:20]
From political demonstrations to humorous mock marches, a single girls’ rally, and a retro disco – millions of Russians took

Russia instructs ‘Foreign Agent’ NGOs to report spending quarterlyRussia instructs ‘Foreign Agent’ NGOs to report spending quarterly

[2013-05-02 15:14:15]
The Russian Justice Ministry has published an order for all NGOs that register as foreign agents, telling them to detail the spending...

German doctors suspect poisoning of former Russian Olympic officialGerman doctors suspect poisoning of former Russian Olympic official

[2013-05-02 15:12:40]
Doctors from a German clinic have reportedly found high volumes of arsenic and molybdenum in the body of Akhmed Bilalov – the...

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