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Russia suspects international PR to justify use of force in Syria interventionRussia suspects international PR to justify use of force in Syria intervention

[2013-05-06 15:25:33]
There are signs that the international public opinion is being prepared for the possibility of intervention with force in the Syrian cri...

At least 14 killed, 50 injured in Pakistan election rally bomb attackAt least 14 killed, 50 injured in Pakistan election rally bomb attack

[2013-05-06 15:05:11]
At least 14 people were killed in a bomb attack at a political rally in north western Pakistan, officials said. Some 50...

All in vein: Russian court rules YouTube 'suicide video' rightfully blacklistedAll in vein: Russian court rules YouTube 'suicide video' rightfully blacklisted

[2013-05-06 15:01:15]
Global video-hosting web giant YouTube has lost its case against Russia’s consumer rights watchdog, which put one of its clips on ...

UN notes 'concrete suspicions' that Syrian rebels used chemical weaponsUN notes 'concrete suspicions' that Syrian rebels used chemical weapons

[2013-05-06 14:56:21]
UN human rights investigators have spoken to the victims of Syria’s civil war and gathered medical testimonies which point to the ...

'Israel's aggression opens door to all possibilities' - Syrian Information Minister'Israel's aggression opens door to all possibilities' - Syrian Information Minister

[2013-05-06 14:54:16]
Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said the attack proved that there is an alliance between Israel and Islamists trying to top...

MI6 ‘ghost money’ sent to Hamid Karzai amid massive Afghan corruptionMI6 ‘ghost money’ sent to Hamid Karzai amid massive Afghan corruption

[2013-05-06 14:40:24]
Following reports the CIA gave millions of dollars to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, MI6 has said it sent “ghost money” to t...

Russia’s ruling United Russia party needs real political alternative - SurkovRussia’s ruling United Russia party needs real political alternative - Surkov

[2013-05-04 13:15:10]
Russia’s major political party United Russia needs a rival, Deputy PM Vladislav Surkov has said. United Russia "must exist in

‘Re-writing legal language and political nudging – new US strategy for Syria’‘Re-writing legal language and political nudging – new US strategy for Syria’

[2013-05-04 13:10:24]
By announcing possible direct weapons supplies to the Syrian rebels, the US is trying to build a case to suit their pre-existing...

Real ‘price tag’ for gold and silver manipulation by Wall St.Real ‘price tag’ for gold and silver manipulation by Wall St.

[2013-05-04 13:07:05]
To understand the price action in gold and government bonds it helps to compare it to what is called ‘price tagging’ in...

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