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LGBT community takes legal steps against main sponsor of ‘sex propaganda bill’LGBT community takes legal steps against main sponsor of ‘sex propaganda bill’

[2013-06-16 12:41:11]
Russian LGBT activists have addressed the Prosecutor General’s office claiming MP Elena Mizulina and the recently approved bill on

Kerry condemns Assad for threatening peace talks as CIA ‘prepares’ to arm rebelsKerry condemns Assad for threatening peace talks as CIA ‘prepares’ to arm rebels

[2013-06-16 12:35:21]
The use of chemical weapons by Damascus and Hezbollah involvement in Syria risks derailing a political settlement to the conflict, John ...

Tear gas and bulldozers: Istanbul riot police clear Gezi Park protest campTear gas and bulldozers: Istanbul riot police clear Gezi Park protest camp

[2013-06-16 12:27:52]
Police have fired water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets to clear Taksim and Gezi Park of protesters and prevent them from...

Morsi says Egypt cuts all ties with Damascus, calls for Syria no-fly zoneMorsi says Egypt cuts all ties with Damascus, calls for Syria no-fly zone

[2013-06-16 11:33:03]
Egypt has decided to cut all ties with Syria, close the embassy in Cairo and withdraw the Egyptian envoy from Damascus, said...

US to leave air defense weapons in Jordan along Syrian borderUS to leave air defense weapons in Jordan along Syrian border

[2013-06-15 20:08:32]
As violence intensifies in nearby Syria, the country of Jordan will hold on to an arsenal of American fighter jets and a...

‘Betray Snowden, betray freedom’: Hong Kong, Washington rallies embrace NSA leaker‘Betray Snowden, betray freedom’: Hong Kong, Washington rallies embrace NSA leaker

[2013-06-15 19:59:59]
Hundreds marched in Hong Kong to demand protection for Edward Snowden, who leaked revelations of US electronic surveillance and is now b...

Microsoft, Facebook release stats to reassure users on NSA surveillanceMicrosoft, Facebook release stats to reassure users on NSA surveillance

[2013-06-15 19:47:44]
Following whistleblower Edward Snowden’s leaks of National Security Agency documents pointing to mass online surveillance, both Fa

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