[2013-06-27 00:08:00]
Britain has ignored German demands to explain and justify its Tempora electronic surveillance programme, responding in just three lines to an in-depth...
[2013-06-25 18:37:35]
The Russian State Duma has started to look into a draft law suggesting amnesty for those convicted of economic crimes, the adoption...
[2013-06-25 18:36:22]
A state-run internet provider in a central Russian region has blocked two leading media web-sites after a court ruled that they were...
[2013-06-25 18:34:14]
Along with exposing widespread international surveillance, Edward Snowden has revealed how exactly the US is financing its military ambi
[2013-06-25 18:32:19]
A wave of outraged comments have swept the German media after it was revealed Monday that British secret Government Communications Headq
[2013-06-25 18:28:37]
Taliban has launched an attack in central Kabul, targeting the presidential palace, the CIA and ISAF headquarters, the Ministry of Defen
[2013-06-25 18:26:58]
Following weeks of mass protests nationwide that persisted into the weekend, Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff has proposed a refe
[2013-06-25 18:25:50]
German prosecutors announced Monday that they are opening an investigation into a former commander of a Nazi SS-led hit squad who has...
[2013-06-25 18:10:11]
Russia's President says former NSA contractor Edward Snowden is still in the transit zone of Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. Vladimir Put
[2013-06-25 18:08:01]
The US has gone from ‘model of human rights’ to manipulator of internet rights, the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Part
[2013-06-25 18:04:26]
The Internal Revenue Service’s intensified scrutiny of groups seeking tax exempt status extended beyond Tea Party-affiliated group
[2013-06-25 17:09:00]
Washington’s allegations over US fugitive Edward Snowden are ‘unacceptable’ as he never crossed the Russian border, Ru
[2013-06-25 17:03:39]
Executives at the Anglo Irish Bank were recorded joking about how they lied to Dublin about the bank’s financial future in 2008,...
[2013-06-25 16:58:02]
When it comes to the whereabouts of Edward Snowden, there has been far more conjecture than concrete fact. While Washington would do...
[2013-06-24 20:58:13]
Elvira Nabiullina has officially taken over the chairmanship in Russian Central Bank from the former head of the monetary regulator Serg
[2013-06-24 20:56:36]
The world’s largest food company said it will open two factories in China next month in order to gain a market edge,...
[2013-06-24 20:44:08]
The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed concern over the Friends of Syria decision to send weapons to rebels, saying this could push...
[2013-06-24 20:42:54]
Russian MPs are drafting a new bill proposing up to 5 years in prison for justifying the crimes of Nazis and their...
[2013-06-24 20:40:32]
The Russian Lower House approved the bill that includes a ban on adoptions of Russian children by foreign same sex couples.
[2013-06-24 20:39:01]
Talks between Russia and the US on reduction of strategic nuclear weapons must include defense systems, like global ballistic missile de
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