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Knight getting costly $400 million lifeline after trading debacleKnight getting costly $400 million lifeline after trading debacle

[2012-08-06 12:00:00]
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Knight Capital Group Inc looks set to enter into a $400 million financing deal with a group of...

Exclusive: Fired Barclays trader draws scrutiny in Libor probeExclusive: Fired Barclays trader draws scrutiny in Libor probe

[2012-08-05 12:00:00]
(Reuters) - A 30-year-old former Barclays Plc swaps trader in New York, who was fired from the bank in 2010, is among...

Exclusive: Fired Barclays trader draws scrutiny in Libor probeExclusive: Fired Barclays trader draws scrutiny in Libor probe

[2012-08-04 12:00:00]
(Reuters) - A 30-year-old former Barclays Plc swaps trader in New York, who was fired from the bank in 2010, is among...

Wall Street Week Ahead: Positive momentum in the face of headwindsWall Street Week Ahead: Positive momentum in the face of headwinds

[2012-08-04 12:00:00]
NEW YORK (Reuters) - To borrow from "Star Wars," the Force is strong with this stock market.

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