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Hong Kong court upholds ex-Morgan Stanley banker's insider dealing convictionsHong Kong court upholds ex-Morgan Stanley banker's insider dealing convictions

[2012-09-20 12:16:00]
(Reuters) - Hong Kong's Court of Appeal has upheld the insider dealing convictions against ex-Morgan Stanley banker Du Jun, but has reduced...

BofA cutting 16,000 jobs by year end in cost-plan acceleration: WSJBofA cutting 16,000 jobs by year end in cost-plan acceleration: WSJ

[2012-09-20 12:00:00]
(Reuters) - Bank of America Corp is planning to cut 16,000 jobs by year end as it speeds up a company-wide cost-cutting...

Insight: How misstep over trading fractions wounded ICAP's EBSInsight: How misstep over trading fractions wounded ICAP's EBS

[2012-09-20 12:00:00]
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Who knew a single decimal point could cause so much trouble?

Eni says U.S. drops corruption charges against former Nigerian unitEni says U.S. drops corruption charges against former Nigerian unit

[2012-09-19 12:00:00]
MILAN (Reuters) - The United States District Court has dropped a probe into a former unit of Italian oil and gas group...

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