Kosovo Albanian elections had “serious flaws”
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Kosovo Albanian elections had “serious flaws”

Serbianna   | 14.01.2011.

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The delegation of the European Parliament (EP) said that the Kosovo Albanian parliamentary elections held on December 12 and January 9 were characterized by several serious flaws.

The delegation said that the fraudulence indicates lack of political will with regard to staging proper elections that would be in line with international standards and good electoral practice.

Kosovo is controlled by violent ethnic Albanian separatists whose leader, Thaci, has been named as the mastermind of organ extraction as well as heroin trade and female slavery.

In a release issued following the repeat of elections in five Kosovo municipalities, the EP delegation noted that elections passed peacefully, despite the reports on electoral frauds and intimidation.

The delegation will state its conclusions once the final assessment of the performance by local and international observers has been made.

According to the release, the EP delegation is encouraging the Central Electoral Commission to complete the election related activities as soon as possible, and to provide a transparent and detailed report on the results.

The EP delegation also stated that the work of the Elections Complaints and Appeals Panel has notably improved, and that steps have been taken to put an end to the tradition of non punishing election irregularities.

The delegation expressed regret over the serious violations of the December 12 elections in several municipalities and the delayed completion of the election related activities.

Serbia’s State Secretary for Kosovo Oliver Ivanovic said that reports by two Council of Europe members, Dick Marty and Jean Charles Gardetto, should give the full picture regarding the rule of law in Kosovo and incite the EU Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) to action, Serbia’s State Secretary for Kosovo Oliver Ivanovic said Tuesday.

Dick Marty’s report names the “elected” Albanian separatist leader Hashim Thaci as the boss of the organized Albanian criminal activity whose reach extends deep into Europe.

Gardetto’s report notes that witnesses to these crimes are in danger of their life.

Thaci recently threatened to release names of witnesses to his criminal activity.

January 11, 2011

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