Albanian organ trader threatens witnesses
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Albanian organ trader threatens witnesses

Serbianna   | 31.12.2010.

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The named Kosovo Albanian organ trafficker Hashim Thaci said that he will reveal names of witnesses that have provided facts about his organized crime involvement, a move that many fear will mean an almost certain death for those witnesses.

“There are witnesses and proofs that show the way in which the report has been prepared,” Thaci said to an Albanian TV station Klan.

Thaci’s statement was made about the report by Swiss Council of Europe deputy Dick Marty which says that Thaci and other senior Albanian gunmen of the ethnic-Albanian guerrilla terrorists known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were involved in organized crime and organ trafficking during and after their 1998-1999 war.

Thaci called the report an “atrocity” that is equal to a Nazi propaganda.

“Many individuals implicated in that atrocity will turn red,” said Thaci.

Serbia’s war crimes prosecutor Bruno Vekaric says that Thaci’s warning to reveal witnesses that will turn red is a call for their lynching and death.

“That is a call to lynching, and a threat to witnesses,” said Vekaric.

Vekaric recalled that witnesses in a related case of another Kosovo Albanian indicted war criminal, Ramush Haradinaj, were murdered right after their identities were revealed.

Marty’s report also says that the witnesses who are still alive do not trust no institution, government or otherwise and are in fear for their life.

The named organ trader Thaci also warned that a Council of Europe report linking him to organ trafficking endangers Pristina’s forthcoming European Union-brokered dialogue with Belgrade.

“It is an attack of [Council of Europe rapporteur] Dick Marty against the dialogue Kosovo-Serbia,” the named organ trader Thaci told AFP.

Thaci said he was still committed to taking part in talks with Belgrade.

“I have expressed readiness to meet with [Serbian] President [Boris] Tadic as the two most legitimate leaders of our countries, Kosovo and Serbia,” Thaci said.

The report by Swiss Council of Europe deputy Dick Marty says that Thaci and other senior Albanian gunmen of the ethnic-Albanian guerrilla terrorists known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were involved in organized crime and organ trafficking during and after their 1998-1999 war.

Kosovo Albanian gunmen unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in 2008. Their declaration has been is recognized by 72 countries, including the United States and all but five members of the EU. Less then dozen of countries recognized the Kosovo renegades as a state this year.

Although Belgrade and Pristina have agreed to EU-brokered talks to resolve issues related to Kosovo’s independence, a date has yet to be set for them to start.

Brussels is pushing Kosovo and Serbia to start a dialogue on basic issues like communication, transport and energy as soon as possible.

As the dialogue progresses the parties are expected to move on to more sensitive issues like war missing, return of refugees and property rights.

December 30, 2010

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