Man arrested 'in relation to murder' of British soldier in Woolwich
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Man arrested 'in relation to murder' of British soldier in Woolwich

RT, photo: AFP Photo / STR/   | 26.05.2013.
Man arrested 'in relation to murder' of British soldier in Woolwich

Counter-terrorism officers have arrested a 22-year-old man in connection to the recent murder of off-duty soldier Lee Rigby in London, Scotland Yard said. British media also report another stabbing attack in Woolwich.

The man was arrested at 14:35 GMT in north London “on suspicion of conspiracy to murder by detectives supported by specialist firearms officers,” according to a statement posted on the Met Police website. The suspect was taken to a police station and remains in custody.

Five police officers in balaclavas were seen standing over the man until their uniformed colleagues arrived.

A witness told the Guardian: "The guy was on a push bike when the police came out of nowhere and wrestled him to the ground."

Earlier, police said they were pursuing a significant amount of CCTV, social media, forensic and intelligence evidence, and have “active lines of inquiry .”

Meanwhile, a man in his twenties has been stabbed in Woolwich, just days after the murder of British soldier drummer Lee Rigby.  

The attack took place some 300 meters from the spot where flowers and cards have been left in memory of Rigby.

The victim of the assault is reported to have avoided life-threatening injuries.

The police, who are currently working at the scene, say there’s no link between the current stabbing and the brutal beheading of the British soldier.

Around 500 police officers are investigating the grisly murder, UK Home Secretary Theresa May told the BBC on Sunday.

On May 22, Rigby was initially struck by a car before being hacked to death in broad daylight by two men. The slaying is believed to have been in retaliation for UK military involvement in Muslim countries.

Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, who were shot by police shortly after Rigby’s murder, are in the hospital awaiting police questioning.

At least six more people have been arrested in relation to the brutal murder since then.

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