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Catastrophic': Hundreds of wildfires rage in Australia amid record heat waveCatastrophic': Hundreds of wildfires rage in Australia amid record heat wave

[2013-01-08 19:53:00]
A heat wave that has already caused devastating fires on the Island state of Tasmania, with 100 people still missing, has now...

Union Jack violence: Belfast police fire plastic bullets as loyalists clash with republicans Union Jack violence: Belfast police fire plastic bullets as loyalists clash with republicans

[2013-01-08 19:50:30]
Police used plastic bullets and water cannon to disperse crowds of rioters in Belfast as they attacked officers with bricks and petrol...

End to evictions in Spain? Locksmiths refuse to help oust owners amid austerity driveEnd to evictions in Spain? Locksmiths refuse to help oust owners amid austerity drive

[2013-01-04 17:17:52]
Dozens of locksmiths in the Spanish city of Pamplona have vowed to stop aiding authorities in evicting delinquent homeowners. The locksmiths said...

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