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PRESS DIGEST-Sunday British business-April 8PRESS DIGEST-Sunday British business-April 8

[2012-04-08 21:00:00]
LONDON, April 8 (Reuters) - British newspapers reported the following business stories on Sunday:

CORRECTED-UPDATE 1-Trayvon Martin call was CORRECTED-UPDATE 1-Trayvon Martin call was "mistake, not deliberate" - NBC

[2012-04-08 21:00:00]
NEW YORK, April 7 (Reuters) - NBC News' decision to air an edited call from George Zimmerman to police in the moments before he...

UPDATE 4-Samsung hits a high Note, posts record qtly profitUPDATE 4-Samsung hits a high Note, posts record qtly profit

[2012-04-06 21:00:00]
* Estimates Q1 op profit at 5.8 trln won vs 5.0 trln fcast

DEALTALK-MBK $2.4 bln Taiwan TV sale hits China obstacleDEALTALK-MBK $2.4 bln Taiwan TV sale hits China obstacle

[2012-04-06 21:00:00]
* Deal was already bogged down in dense regulatory process

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