The shape of "Stability" according to a Russian street artist is a card house made out of police riot shields. The artist made his political statement for the one year anniversary of the protest movement in the country.
Yekaterinburg-based Timofey Radya used 55 riot police shields for his installation which refers to the idea of "stability associated with modern Russia.
The construction process was a performance in itself, featuring several masked people dressed in camouflage building the pyramid in the shape of a card house. A red carpet led to the unusual sculpture. The crew used a crane to put a golden throne on top of the construction.
However “Stability” did not last long. The wind dislodged several shields in the sculpture’s lower levels destroying the whole structure, just like a house of cards.
Photographs of the artwork started to appear online after the artist posted them on his own website.
Timofey Radya has created several political works, including posters he made a year ago after the parliamentary elections in Russia. Among them were huge posters stylized as political ads that appeared in the streets of Yekaterinburg in December 2011 and March 2012.
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