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2nd Pathways Health Fair

21.10.2013. год.
Tourist Organization of Banja Luka in cooperation with partners, company " MP Ginis Group" , the "Festival of Health Montenegro ", " Bomsexpo " and " Welnes SPA Association BiH " , organizes the second international fair " Pathways Health" which will be held from 14 - 16th November 2013th in the premises of the Youth Banja Luka .

This year we will gather in one place official representatives , alternative and integrative medicine , which will have the opportunity to showcase their products to visitors , demonstrate their methods of treatment and the professional analysis and evaluation eminetnih experts confirming their efficacy .

The event will occur all who are directly or indirectly involved in human health and a healthy lifestyle . As part of the fair will be organized and " Nurseries health ", " Junior Olympics ", " Children's Corner" , dedicated to the children of preschool and school-aged children , because we believe that our citizens should be taught from an early age a healthy lifestyle , maintaining and improving health. In the central stage we expect , in the three days of the event, more than 200 participants and performers programs related to healthy lifestyles and health.

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