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Al Qaeda terrorists from Bosnia arrested in Cairo

The Egyptian army arrested several citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina on charges of terrorism and rebellion against the Egyptian government and will be tried summarily. reports ”Daily”. The recording released by Egyptian TV ”ONTV” shows thirty arrested terrorists, all Al Qaeda members.
Al Qaeda terrorists from Bosnia arrested in Cairo
19.08.2013. год.
The militants have been arrested by Egyptian police and special military forces not only in Cairo but throughout the country. Hundreds of Al Qaeda terrorists are arrested and charged with military rebellion and terrorism, therefore will be “tried summarily.”

The Daily states that all the suspects were involved in: –  terrorist attacks, wounding and killing Egyptian security forces and civilians;  - in armed rebellion against the government.
One of the suspects, who was the leader of the group, said that he had come from Pakistan, from a village on the border with Afghanistan together with his cousin who arrived from Afghanistan.
Member of the security forces told “ONTV” that this group of extremists proved that terrorism knows no boundaries, because  the arrested terrorists are coming from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Pakistan, and some other European countries.
According to him, they came to Egypt last month, and some of them  illegally crossed the border before they joined  ”Muslim Brotherhood”, a radical organization that has for decades been banned in that country.
As form the Bosnian terrorists,  they arrived via Istanbul with laptop containing ”instructions to carry out attacks in Cairo”.  Police believes there are more Bosnian Islamists who came as  part of a tour package.
The number of mosques in BiH where a special service for killed in the violence in Egypt was held is growing.  There was also a protest in Sarajevo that gathered several hundred persons who presented themselves, as members of the Egyptian diaspora in BiH.
The Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina issued a statement where  ”the IC of BiH “strongly condemns  brutal mass murders of the citizens of Egypt and the violence that was caused and carried out by the military authorities,”  and a “call to immediately stop the violence and ” return power to the democratically elected President of Egypt Muhammad Morsi “.

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