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Official reception for 29 intern workers

21.02.2017. год.
 The Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad Divna Aničić organized a festive reception for 29 interns from this municipality. 

Nine interns have been employed through the Municipal Economic Development Agency, sixteen interns have been employed over the Employment Agency, and the two companies have employed four interns – ''Bočac Hydroelectric Power Plant''' company employed two interns and ''electro distribution'' employed two interns.

Divna Aničić said that the number of employed people would be increased by the end of the year.
''The Municipality has sent a public call, employment ad is closed and eight interns should be employed, so that this number will be increased by the end of the year'', said Divna Aničić.
She thanked the employers,she expressed her gratefulness to entrepreneurs who were willing to employ interns during these difficult times.
An intern worker Snjezana Lukic said that she was pleased for getting a chance to gain some experience in the field of her profession.
''I am doing an internship at the Center for Social Work and this is very important for me because I waited for almost three years in order to get a job. I am honored that I got the opportunity to use the knowledge I gained at the University'', said Snjezana. 

  • Извор
  • vijesti.RS
  • / www.Mrkonjic-Grad.RS

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