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After she had won her third mandate , The Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad Divna Aničić went on her working visit to Thessaloniki

After she had won her third mandate , The Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad Divna Aničić went on her working visit to Thessaloniki
18.11.2016. год.
The first working day of her third mandate, The Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad Divna Anicic started visiting the city of Thessaloniki where she also had a meeting at the representation Office of Republic of Srpska in this city.

                              The mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad Divna Aničić and her associates talked to the manager Georgios Dimitropolus and they also talked to Mr. Alexandros Fourlis who is the head of the Representation Office of Republic of Srpska in this city. They discussed the possibilities how to find or attract potential investors for the production of stonewool, they also talked about potential partners for the water company-‘’Kruna’’ and they also talked about potential investors for the business zone ‘’Podbrdo’’.

Some of the results of today’s meeting is tomorrow’s meeting, which was planned to be held at the factory which designs and manufactures stonewool ‘’Fibran’’.

Mr. Alexandros Fourlis ,  the head of the Representation Office of Republic of Srpska announced his official visit to Mrkonjic Grad and he said that he is going to visit this city at the end of the month, in November.


  • Извор
  • vijesti.RS
  • / www.Mrkonjic-Grad.RS

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