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The Mayor Divna Aničić visited a factory ''Fibran'' which produces the stonewool in the city of Thessaloniki

18.11.2016. год.
The Mayor of the Municipality Mrkonjic Grad Divna Aničić and head of the Representation Office of Republic of Srpska Mr. Alexandros Fourlis visited factory 'Fibran' which produces the stonewool. On that occasion, The Mayor of the Municipality Mrkonjic Grad Divna Aničić talked to the factory manager Mihael Anastasiadis.

                            At the meeting which was held in the city of Thessaloniki, it has been agreed that the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad should deliver more informations about the chemical analysis of bauxite as well as about the structure of all those who are  available for work.

''Our plans include the construction of such a factory in the territory of the Balkans, or to put it more precisely on the territory of Serbia, Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovima, and the final decision on the construction site will be adopted in March 2017'', said Anastasiadis, pointing out that the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad has very good conditions for the realisation of this project.

Divna Aničic emphasizes that she is ready to cooperate and she has also shown them all the advantages and benefits of The Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad.

  • Извор
  • vijesti.RS
  • / www.Mrkonjic-Grad.RS

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