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Divna Aničić, the Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad attended the Financial results presentation for the first cycle of the Financial Mechanism

Divna Aničić, the Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad attended the Financial results presentation for the first cycle of the Financial Mechanism
26.07.2016. год.
Divna Aničić, the Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad attended the meeting in the Republic of Srpska Investment-Development Bank. The main subject of the meeting was to represent the report about evaluation of the socio-economic impact of the first annual cycle of the Financial Mechanism which is intended to finance projects of integrated and sustainable local development in 2014-2015.

The total project cost in the first annual cycle amounted 851.719,86 BAM . The Financial Mechanism took part in the project with  536.723,04 BAM (64%), while the rest of 314.996, 83 BAM (37%) was provided by users from their own funds.

Divna Aničić, the Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad said that the Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad had successfully implemented the project of establishing the first refrigerator storage in Mrkonjić Grad. “Last year, the refrigerator storage worked in the experimental stage and seven people successfully stored  three tons of fruit. It turned out that the refrigerator storage met our expectations in the technical terms and we expect that the refrigerator store would completely utilize its capacity in this year“, said Divna Aničić , adding that another project from the Financial Mechanism is in the final phase.

“In the final phase of the project we tend to improve the access and quality of public services inside the circle of the local government, or to say it more precisely,the word is about the project which includes the reconstruction of the fire station in Mrkonjic Grad“, said Divna Aničić.

Ms Aničić expressed her gratefulness to donors and also praised the project of the Financial Mechanism describing this project as a very successful project and she also invited donors to continue making contributions at similar levels. Sezin Sinanoglu, UN Resident Coordinator in Bosnia and Herzegovina also expressed her gratefulness to all partners for their very successful cooperation, expressing her satisfaction because of all implemented projects which further more contributed to the quality of life of people who live in rural areas as well as to the development of intermunicipal cooperation.

In the structure of the financial contribution of the Mechanism the funds provided by SDC/UNDP Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP) participate with 402.283,70 BAM (75%) and funds by the governement of the Republic of Srpska 134.439,34 BAM (25%). All the savings approved by the Financial Mechanism will be used to finance the projects within the second annual cycle of the Financial Mechanism which is intended to finance the projects of integrated and sustainable local development in the Republic of Srpska in 2015-2016.

Results and effects of the Financial Mechanism in the field of “public services“ primarily reflect in the following results: 4.143,00 m of water supply network was built and 12.115,30 m of already existing water supply network was reconstructed and repaired, equipment for the emergency services including an ambulance car was purchased so there were created the conditions for the efficient availability of primary health care for about 12.000 residents. Purchasing the Commercial vehicles ( special motor vehicle for collection and disposal of waste , combined construction machine and truck- tip truck) and by procuring other means necessary to equip the utility companies in the two newly formed rural communities there was enabled the increase in operability of these companies, and therefore the availability and quality of the public services increased which is necessary for the maintenance of the population in these areas ( about 2.900 residents).

  • Извор
  • vijesti.RS
  • / www.Mrkonjic-Grad.RS

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