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The Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad Divna Aničić had a meeting with the representatives of The Italian Company ''PROWOOD'' who signed a three year contract with IKEA.

The Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad Divna Aničić had a meeting with the representatives of The Italian Company ''PROWOOD'' who signed a three year contract with IKEA.
24.01.2017. год.
Together with her associates, The Mayor of the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad Divna Aničić talked to Tulissi Moreno, the owner of The Italian Company 'PROWOOD'. The Italian Company 'PROWOOD' established the manufacturing plant for the production of chairs in the beginning of 2016 and this company currently employs more than 60 workers. 'PROWOOD' company has recently signed a three year cooperation agreement with the famous Swedish company IKEA which owns 285 stores in 37 countries worldwide.


            Divna Aničić introduced the representatives of the company with planned activities of the Agency of Economic Development, and she also told them some further informations about the incentives for 2017. She also pointed out that the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad is ready to support every aspect of the final production and she expressed her happiness for the fact that the final production will be enabled in the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad and the products will be available  in IKEA stores worldwide.

          Owner of the ''PROWOOD'' company told Divna Aničić the current number of employees and he also pointed out that he planned to increase that number to 120 workers in the firs quarter of the current year. Moreno said that his company had plans to start with installation of the veneer saw which will have operated by the end of the year, and that will also require an additional number of workers.

         Divna Aničić told the represenatives of the ''PROWOOD'' company that they could start the procedure neccesary for the application of the raw materials and she also told them that the Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad would send a letter of recommendation to the competent institutions.

         The Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad provides its support to foreign investors, which is also confirmed by the BFC SEE certification. 

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  • vijesti.RS
  • / www.Mrkonjic-Grad.RS

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